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SrTiO3 Df Thickness list bmp  2  .bmp

 TEM images of  SrTiO3  300kV

The df and thickness change both in 5nm pitch,


respectively along x and y direction.

 DNA (ATGCATGC) / graphene    300 kV

Cs :1mm , df : -53 nm      ->

OL Ap : 4.5 (1/nm), df: -53nm ->

electron dose 5000 e/ Å 


electron dose 1000 e/ Å 


Dna on Graphn 1.BMP
Dna on Graphn 2.BMP
Dna on Graphn 3.BMP
Dna on Graphn 5.BMP

Cs : 0 mm, df : -2 nm   ->

OL Ap : 4.5 (1/nm), df: -16nm ->

electron dose 5000 e/ Å 


electron dose 1000 e/ Å 


Dna on Graphn 2 -1 .BMP
Dna on Graphn 2.BMP
Dna on Graphn 2-3 .BMP
Dna on Graphn 2-5 .BMP

Cs :0.0156 mm , df: - 6.4nm  ->

OL Ap : 4.5 (1/nm)     ->

electron dose 5000 e/ Å 


electron dose 1000 e/ Å 


Dna on Graphn 3 -1  again .BMP
Dna on Graphn 3 -2 .BMP
Dna on Graphn 3 -3 .BMP
Dna on Graphn 3 -5 .BMP

Cs : 0.05411, df: -10.5 nm C5: -58.66 mm                  ->

OL Ap : 4.5 (1/nm)   ->

electron dose 5000 e/ Å 


electron dose 1000 e/ Å 


Dna on Graphn 4 -1 again  .BMP
Dna on Graphn 4 -2 .BMP
Dna on Graphn 4 -3 .BMP
Dna on Graphn 4 -5 .BMP

Simulation of the off axis DNA images  at 300 kV (Cs = 0, df =0)

with the 23 mrad displaced OL aperture (TEM) and BF detector (STEM )


OL aperture radius = 23+δ mrad

TEM tilt image 7.BMP
TEM tilt image 1.BMP


CL aperture radius = 23+δ mrad 

STEM tilt image 3.BMP
STEM tilt image 1.BMP

​Simulation for the CTF deconvolution

CTF deconv.bmp
CTF deconv 2 .bmp
CTF deconv 3.bmp
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